Kommende Aktiviteter

12. September 2013
kl. 10.00 - 15.00  

Netværksmøde – Sociale Medier som Kulturskaber og Læringsværktøj

Den 12. september vil NOCA være dagens vært i samarbejde med Erik Lund fra IBM. På dagen har vi fornøjelsen af at byde velkommen til en indlægsholder fra IBM, USA, Louis Richardson, Evangelist og Storyteller. Han vil tage os med i en ny tid med et indlæg om “Social Business and Smarter Workforce”. Louis Richardson er en anerkendt og spændende indlægsholder, som vi glæder os meget til at have med til mødet.

Flere og flere virksomheder udskifter/udvider intranettet med sociale medier, og skaber derved interne sociale netværk, der støtter op om “den sociale virksomhed”. Derfor vil temagruppen denne dag tale om anvendelsen af interne sociale netværk, og drøfte hvilke muligheder og begrænsninger brugen af social software kan medføre.

Sæt kryds I kalenderen og vær med til denne dags spændende møde hos IBM!

IBM har lavet denne teaser til dagen:

People. Our people. They are unique. They are creative. They are constantly evolving.

As a leader in HR, business is our canvas – and people are our medium. To leverage the most of this incredible and complex resource, you are required to use both art and science.

On 12th September all NOCA members are invited to a theme meeting, where “Smarter Work: The Workforce of the Future” will be discussed.

During this meeting, we will hear from Anne Bornfeld, an IBM HR executive who will share how the IBM Leadership is impacted by the new ways of working.
Additionally, we’ll hear from Louis Richardson, an IBM Storyteller and Evangelist who focuses on Smarter Work and Social Business. Louis will share his insights and observations regarding how people work and how we, as HR professionals, will need to consider the new working environments and the impact of social business tools in the workplace.
We’ll also hear from one another. While there will be some presentations to set the stage, the focus will be to engage in conversation and share ideas and insights.
When discussing social’s impact on business, Louis once said, “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” Don’t miss this opportunity to join us “at the table” 



10:00-10:15 Coffee Reception
10:15-10:45 Welcome and Introductions
10:45-11:30 How is the IBM Leadership impacted by the new ways of working – Anne Bornfeld
11:30-12:00 Smarter Workforce (Part 1 – What does it look like) – Louis Richardson
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Smarter Workforce (Part 2 – How this will impact HR) – Louis Richardson
14:00-14:45 Open discussion
14:45-15:00 Closing comments and summary observations

12. september 2013
10.00 – 15.00

Nymøllevej 91
2800 Lyngby


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