Where is HR analytics now – and where is it going?
By now HR professionals in Denmark agree, that analytics revolutionalizes HR and offers a real potential for increased organizational competitive advantage. HR Analytics helps organizations make better evidence-based decisions, pushing the value of HR by speaking the “language of the business”, and builds and sustains a performance culture by sending a signal that performance matters.
Many studies and reports find that while many organizations recognize the effect of HR investments on business outcomes, few excel at developing their analytics capabilities. Indeed, the State of Workforce Analytics in Europe finds that only 17% of the surveyed companies have fully developed their analytical capabilities.
In this network meeting we will discuss the challenges companies encounter in their HR analytics journey. What kind of problems do you face? Is it about building a business case? Do you lack certain skills? Are you looking for insights and inspiration? If so, in which areas?
We would also identify ways to solve the identified problems and together with you make your individual action plan that brings you and your company forward in analytics journey.
Professor in Strategic and Global HRM at CBS Dana Minbaeva will give us the latest research insights and talk about trends and tendencies within HR Analytics.
We will also use part of the afternoon to discuss what HR Analytics topics you would like to focus on in this group in the period from August 2017 to June 2018. We have a meeting coming up on the 14th June where Jyske Bank will be hosting a double meeting in both Silkeborg and Kgs. Lyngby. This meeting will have the bottom-up focus on HR Analytics. More information coming up soon.
19th april 2017
Human Capital Analytics Group, CBS
Kilevej 14, 2000 Frederiksberg
Room: Ks54 (ground floor)
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