Kommende Aktiviteter

15. May 2020
kl. 08.30 - 11.00  

Planning for New Normal (Online)

HRs role in planning for New Normal 

With good reason the current COVID-19 crisis is in many cases referred to as a workforce crisis and as such organizations have and will rely heavily on HR for securing ongoing performance. Many have adapted quickly and overcome initial challenges and are now starting to plan for a New Normal. At this NOCA event we focus on how HR can support the organization in the challenges to come. 

Planning for New Normal, Covid-19, HR, crisis preventing

Managing uncertainty

The current crises have brought significant and sudden changes to how we prioritize and organize work, lead our employees and develop our teams. So far, HRs main role has been to create workforce overview, enable new digital ways of working, reorganize workplaces and also support strong leadership and employee engagement through extensive communication from a distance. Going forward HR now faces the challenge of supporting the organization in managing uncertainty and preparing for different scenarios.

At this NOCA event we will discuss: 

  • How can HR best support the organization in planning for New Normal?
  • What tools, processes and practices should be prioritized right now?
  • What can we learn from Risk Management as for creating forecasts and conducting scenario planning?

Dana MinbaevaDana Minbaeva, Professor of Strategic HR, Copenhagen Business School. 

Dana argues that there are three important stages in recovering from the current crisis from an HR perspective. Stage 1 is about moving people in space and helping them to be productive. Stage 2 is about prioritizing mental health, well-being, and dealing with anxiety and the fear of the unknown. Stage 3 is about finding and capitalizing on the new sources of competitive advantage in your human capital. You can read the full article “In this crisis, good HR could save a company – bad one might bury it” here.

Alice Larsen, Corporate Vice President of Human Resources, Chr. Hansen.Alice Larsen, Corporate Vice President of Human Resources, Chr. Hansen.

Since 2016, Alice Larsen has been heading up Global Human Resources at Chr. Hansen. At this event, Alice Larsen will give a CHROs perspective on how HR can support the business in the ambiguity and uncertainty seen in the organization when planning for a “New Normal”; what are the immediate and longer-term concerns and actions to be taken? Alice will also share insights from a practical HR perspective. Stay tuned.

Søren Friis LarsenSøren Friis Larsen, Senior Manager, Risk Advisory, Deloitte.

Strategic scenario planning is in many organizations a Risk Management exercise. What can HR learn from this perspective of managing uncertainty? What are the preferred tools and how do we choose the relevant data sources to conduct scenario planning and forecasting? How do we bridge risk and workforce management?

Read more about NOCAs theme “Organisational Development and Design” here