The Power of Collective Leadership
Planned change is often depicted as led by heroic, individual leaders. At this meeting, we will uncover the neglected role of collective leadership in planned change, describing the dynamics of the interplay between the formal leader and collective leadership.
Traditionally, leadership is seen as something that leaders inherit through their position in a hierarchy or through physical or personality traits. Recently though, a new stream of research has emerged which flips this framing and sees leadership as a collective achievement which aims to ensure that everyone is able to participate equally in all phases of decision making. This also entails that all participants have the responsibility to coordinate their activities in order to act cooperatively toward collective goals.
The speakers at this meeting will offer new insights into how change failures can be avoided by leveraging the power of collective leadership.
As a first for NOCA, this event will venture into uncharted territory, as we will be joined by an improv theater expert, who will demonstrate improvisational techniques, which will lead us into a discussion of the effect of improvisation in the context of collective leadership.
Batia Wiesenfeld
Professor of Management and Director of the Business and Society Program at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University. She has been quoted in newspapers and magazines such as The Financial Times and The Wallstreet Journal for her views on transforming corporate culture and has appeared on radio and television programs such as Good Morning America.
Ann-Louise Holten
Ph.D. and Associate Professor in Work and Organizational Psychology at The University of Copenhagen. Her work has appeared in numerous management and academic journals including Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, Management Decisions and Journal of Leadership Studies.
Stefan Pagels Andersen
Stefan is the co-Founder of Improv Comedy Copenhagen and has been an actor for 20 years. He has worked with some of the world’s biggest companies within the sphere of corporate training, including: Maersk, Carslberg, McKinsey, Deloitte, Chr. Hansen, Nestlé, CBS, DTU and many more.
Join NOCA in this meeting, where you will be introduced to the powers of collective leadership and how to implement them in your organization.
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