Leadership Development: The Path to Greater Effectiveness
Leadership development – Danish version below.
Presentation of:
Leadership Development: The Path to Greater Effectiveness
– A research report by EFMD, NOCA and SHRM
34% of HR professionals, on average, perceived their Leadership Development activity to be “a little effective” or “not at all effective”. Only one out of six considered it to be “very effective.” This is just one of many findings in the research report.
Do you know whether or how your organization can be more effective in providing Leadership Development?
Learn from the study and:
- Get the latest insights into how Leadership Development can be significantly more effective
- Know how HR professionals see the development of Leadership Development internationally
Last year we set out to study the effectiveness of the way leadership development is handled in organisations. With the help of our partners in this project EFMD and SHRM we have been able to involve companies and organisations in both Europe and North America.
Last autumn we launched the survey and have since then been analysing the data and selecting the most interesting findings from the survey. We are now excited to share these findings with our members and it is with great pleasure that we invite you to a presentation of the findings in the report.
Jan Ginneberge, EFMD, Jørgen Thorsell, Advisor to the project and Per Geisler Hansen, CEO of NOCA, will present the findings and facilitate the agenda and the dialogue with and between the participants.
The presentation will focus on the five questions that also form the backbone of the Survey Report:
1. How do HR professionals perceive the effectiveness of leadership development in their organizations?
2. What do HR professionals consider important for improving the effectiveness of leadership development in their organizations?
3. How well are current leadership development initiatives focused on improving the effectiveness of leadership development?
4. What obstacles prevent organizations and what enables them to achieve the desired effects on performance from current LD activities?
5. What should be done to improve the effectiveness of leadership development?
During the presentation we will introduce and discuss tools to increase effectiveness of Leadership Development activities, i.e. EFMDs Strategic Learning Review (SLR).
Come and find out what HR professionals say to these five questions and discuss what impact it could have on your organization. Could your organization benefit from developing some of the areas that this survey point at?
The presentation will take place at
NOCA, Fiolstraede 44, 1171 Copenhagen K.
Wednesday the 16th November 2016 from 9.00 to 12.00 am.
Præsentation af:
Leadership Development: The Path to Greater Effectiveness
– A research report by EFMD, NOCA and SHRM
34 % af HR professionelle mener at indsatsen i forhold til ledelsesudvikling er “lidt effektiv” eller “slet ikke effektiv”. Kun én ud af seks mener, at ledelsesudviklingen er “meget effektiv”. Dette er blot et udpluk af resultaterne fra rapporten.
Måske din organisation kan forbedre effektiviten af ledelsesudvikling?
- Få de seneste indsigter i hvordan ledelsesudvikling kan blive signifikant mere effektiv
- Lær mere om hvordan HR professionelle anskuer den internationale udvikling i ledelsesudviklingen
Sidste år igangsatte vi en større undersøgelse af effektiviteten af ledelsesudvikling i organisationer Med hjælp fra vores partnere EFDM og SHRM har det været muligt at involvere virksomheder og organisationer i både Europa og USA.
Vi lancerede undersøgelsen sidste efterår og lige siden har vi analyseret data og udvalgt de mest interessante resultater fra undersøgelsen. Vi er derfor begejstrede over at kunne annoncere, at vi nu er klar til at dele disse fund med jer – vores medlemmer.
Det er med stor glæde at vi kan invitere til mini-konference den 16. november, hvor vi vil præsentere rapportens undersøgelser og konklusioner. Selve præsentationen vil foregå på engelsk af hensyn til vores udenlandske samarbejdspartnere.
Vi ser meget frem til at diskutere rapporten med jer!
Præsentationen vil finde sted hos NOCA
Fiolstræde 44, 1171 København K
Den 16. november kl. 9.00 – 12.00
Do you want to learn more about ‘Learning and Development’? Read about it here!