Online: Digital Transformation in Leadership Development
Novo Nordisk Product Supply has recently transformed the training of new first line leaders from a traditional 3×4 day classroom course to an award-winning fully digital and more agile on-demand leadership development set-up that caters for personalised development journeys.
This has been done to give leaders more time on the floor with their staff, especially during their first year where first priority should be to get to know the team and the processes. Additionally, to enhance learning effectiveness and improve the fit between content trained and the newly appointed leader’s former experience. And finally, to place the main responsibility for learning with the new leader and his or her own leader.
At our meeting June 19, the team behind the project will share the difficulties of transforming a well proven classroom course to a completely new media and how the change has been received by the organization and the new managers.
Come and join an online facilitated dialogue with the attending members on the obstacles, pitfalls and potential of more agile, digital and/or strategic competence development in our organizations. This is not an ordinary webinar – active participation is expected.
(This meeting takes online. You can choose to join the parallel physical classroom event instead)
When: June 19 at 12.00-16.00
Where: Online (broadband, headset and individual webcam required)
Global relevance
Please forward this invitation to your HR-colleagues outside Denmark! They don’t usually subscribe to NOCA’s newsletter, but they can benefit fully from this meeting. Encourage them to subscribe in order to join our many future online events.
We speak English
Please forward this invitation to your English-speaking HR-colleagues! They don’t always subscribe to NOCA’s newsletter, but they can benefit fully from this meeting (In groups where everyone speaks Danish, we’ll be speaking Danish however).
Read about the theme ‘Learning and Development‘.