Kommende Aktiviteter

26. October 2021
kl. 15.00 - 16.00  CET

Creating Psychologically Safe Work Environments (online)

Psychological safety is the foundation of inclusion and team performance and the key to creating an innovative culture in your organization.

It is obvious that creating physical safe environments is important to avoid injury or in worth cases death. The importance of creating psychological safe environments is however often less obvious. This is despite the fact, that lack of psychological safety is known to have severe consequences such as paralyzing potential and cratering an individual’s sense of self-worth. How do we increase both awareness and initiative when it comes to creating psychological safe work environments?

Psychological Safety - NOCA

Eliminating fear –“The presence of fear in an organization is the first sign of weak leadership”

One of the first things you learn about leadership is that the social and cultural context has a profound influence on the way people behave and that you as the leader are, straight up, responsible for that context. The other thing you learn is that fear is the enemy. It freezes initiative, ties up creativity, yields compliance instead of commitment, and represses what would otherwise be an explosion of innovation.

If you can banish fear, install true performance-based accountability, and create a nurturing environment that allows people to be vulnerable as they learn and grow, they will perform beyond your expectations and theirs.

Join us at this NOCA meeting, where we focus how HR can guide their leaders and organizations overall to create psychological safe work environments. We have the pleasure of introducing Dr. Timothy R. Clark who has researched psychological safety for over 15 years, and at this meeting will guide us through 4 steps of psychological safety:

  • Inclusion Safety
  • Learner Safety
  • Contributor Safety
  • Challenger Safety

HR needs to play an essential role within psychological safety. If you agree then join us at this meeting to learn more.

Timothy R Clark - NOCA

Timothy R. Clarkfounder and CEO of LeaderFactor- a leadership consulting organization.

He is a three-time CEO, earned a Ph.D. in Social Science from Oxford University, and was named an academic all-American football player at Brigham Young University. He possesses an unusual ability to weave theory and practice together in powerful ways. “Leadership,” Clark says, “is the most important applied discipline in the world. It’s a factor in every decision and every outcome.”

Du kan læse meget mere om NOCAs tema ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ her!