Kommende Aktiviteter

08. May 2024
kl. 10.00 - 11.30  CET

Menopause-Aware Workplaces with CIPD & The LEGO Group

Menopause-Aware Workplaces with CIPD & The LEGO Group

Considering that menopause is a stage of life that half the global population will experience, it is a staggeringly under-addressed part of employee wellbeing. How can we contribute to deepen organizational and societal understanding of this stage in life? Recognizing the existence of menopause in the workplace is about growing organizational cultures that include all phases of human life.

This online event aims to start conversations and challenge silence and stigma surrounding menopause. We wish to invite for discussions about visions for menopause-aware organizations, and how working with organizational awareness can boost essential deep-experience-level employee satisfaction and retention. We wish to acknowledge and bring societal attention to the unnecessarily large amount of extra energy spent on navigating this phase alone. We wish to grow organizations that make it easier to contribute to the world.

Our esteemed speakers from The LEGO Group and CIPD (UK’s Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) – specialized experts in their fields in Denmark and internationally – will share valuable insights and practical approaches to start growing supportive cultures for all employees. They will address how organizational menopause-awareness work is about long-term, sustainably inclusive cultures, employee satisfaction and retention.

By embracing this topic, we can create workplaces that are not only more inclusive, and in that way, more resilient and adaptable. This event is an opportunity for HR and people professionals to learn, engage, and be at the forefront of this important conversation towards our workplaces actually including everyone.

If there was something you could learn or do to make it easier for someone else – or for yourself – to contribute to the world, you would very likely want to. This event holds the hope to be a significant step forward in our community’s journey towards more empathetic and inclusive workplaces. Join us in this engaging and enlightening conversation, and be part of the transition.

Camilla Winther, Leader of D&I Learning at The LEGO Group

Camilla’s passion for diversity and inclusion, coupled with her innovative approach to learning and development, has been instrumental in contributing to an empowering and inclusive culture at The LEGO Group. Her insights on how organizations can genuinely appreciate and harness the unique contributions of every individual will be invaluable to our discussions. Camilla is an award-winning L&D leader who leads D&I Learning at The LEGO Group. With 15 years of professional experience, she has deep expertise regarding ways to drive employee and organizational change. Her energy and passion for D&I is rooted in the belief that everyone should be able to come to work and be appreciated for who they really are and what they contribute.

Claire McCartney, Senior Policy Adviser, Resourcing and Inclusion

Claire is CIPD’s senior resourcing and inclusion policy adviser. She leads CIPD’s policy work on flexible and new ways of working, resourcing and talent management. Claire also works in the area of equality, diversity and inclusion and leads policy work on carers, working parents and compassionate bereavement support. She works with colleagues on menopause and menstrual health workplace policy support. Previously, Claire ran her own research and consultancy organization and was acting Head of Research and Principal Researcher at Roffey Park. Claire has worked on several international projects, is the author of a range of reports, has responded to numerous government consultations and has given evidence at a range of parliamentary groups and committees.

Rachel Suff, Senior Employee Relations Adviser

Rachel joined CIPD a senior policy adviser in 2014 to help shape the public policy debate and champion better work and working lives. Rachel is a policy and research professional with over 25 years’ experience in the employment and HR arena. An important part of her role is to ensure that the views of the profession inform CIPD’s policy thinking on health and wellbeing, as well as employment relations. Rachel leads a range of policy and research studies about health and wellbeing at work, and represents the CIPD on key advisory groups, such as NHS England’s National Health and Wellbeing Expert Advisory Group and the Council for Work and Health. Rachel is a qualified HR practitioner and researcher with a Master’s in Human Resource Management from Portsmouth University and a post-graduate diploma in Social Research Methods from Sussex University.