Global Mindset – in theory and practice
Global Mindset – in theory and practice
’Think global, act local’ – If the origin of this expression is attributed to the Scottish City Planner Patrick Geddes this slogan will soon celebrate its 100 anniversary. In other words it is not a new way of thinking or a new wave but rather a well established way of thinking adapted to the new world order. But the fact that it is not a new expression doesn’t necessarily make it easier to practice for the individual manager and employee in the organization, because:
• What does it mean to be “Glocal”?
• What does it mean for leadership and cooperation in international/ global organisations?
• What does it in reality mean for management in general and HR managers to act Glocal?
These are the key questions that Rikke Kristine Nielsen has focused on in her newly finished Ph.D. on Global Mindset and leadership development working specifically with Solar. Rikke will present both the theoretical and practical key findings from her research and will on this basis facilitate a dialogue about what “Glocal” really is and what behaviors and structure that either enables or blocks the development of Global Mindset.
Global Mindset – the VELUX way
For many years VELUX has worked internationally and have production in 13 countries and sales companies in 40 countries. The strategy has for many years evolved around being local in the countries where VELUX was present – market by market. The efforts on increasing the focus on global mindset has in resent years been accelerated and the focus has been on optimising the global business and so more and more functions has been centralised resulting in an increased need for global management and cooperation.
In 2013 VELUX introduced new organisational- and leadership principles under the headline: One VELUX. These principles among other things specify the decision processes in the Matrix organisation and the wanted behaviour for the managers in the organisation. The VELUX values still remain untouched, but the interpretation is under continuous development with special focus on global cooperation. What does for example “Local initiative” mean in this context – being one of the 5 core values?
The HR function
Also the HR function now has a much closer cooperation across boarders and in all functions there is a strong focus on defining the dotted line between “Global” and “Local” and to establish a strong foothold in these new cooperations.
In 2014 VELUX started a new Executive Leadership Development Programme and in 2015 VELUX will cascade this to the management levels below. The programmes aim at strengthening the competences that enables the transformation of values, new principles and structures into practices. The programmes are also a platform for a dialogue about how to handle the many dilemmas that derives when so many interests and considerations meet.
During the presentation from our hosts Susanne Irving and Magnus Broundal who are responsible for Leadership Development and Organisational Development respectively they will share both what they have actually done and the challenges they face and have faced during the process – among other things:
• Leading in a global matrix organisation – Middle Management is perhaps the most affected
• It takes time to change so deeply imbedded structures and behaviors in an organisation
After the presentation we will discuss the challenges and actions taken by VELUX and discuss in a wider context how HR best supports such large change programmes AND how HR themselves adapt the changes.
Join us!
Come and take part in this great opportunity to discuss Global Mindset in both a theoretical and practical context and see what this can do for your organisation.
Ådalsvej 99.
2970 Hørsholm
9th March 2015
From 10.00 to 15.00.
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