Kommende Aktiviteter

17. September 2020
kl. 09.00 - 11.30  

An Empirical Take On Gender Gaps (Online)

What do we really know about gender gaps?

The ambition to close gender gaps is high on the agenda in many organizations and often even a strategic priority when it comes to managerial positions. The aim to close gender gaps is in most companies perceived to be both clear, fair and also profitable. The question is however, how we can approach this challenge in the most effective way?

Beyond assumptions

At this NOCA event we present an empirical-driven approach to the gender diversity challenge. We go beyond assumptions and try to understand how our empirical findings can broaden our knowledge and improve decisions.

Take part in the discussion on:

  • What data to track when focusing on closing gender gaps
  • How to define KPI’s for gender diversity
  • How to create incentives for behavioral change based on empirical findings


Lars Pedersen - NOCA

Herdis Steingrimsdottir, Associate Professor, Økonomisk institute at CBS will at this event present what we know about gender gaps, and how they are measured including all the do’s and don’ts. Herdis is working as a labor economist at CBS and has particular interest in demography, gender and family


Erik Carp - NOCA

Pia Wiid Jakobsen, Chief HR Consultant at Danske Bank, will at this NOCA meeting talk about how Danske Bank have used Gender-Pay-Gap analysis to create incentive for a culture change focusing on diversity and inclusion. Pia has over 10 years of experience working with HR reporting and analytics.

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To learn more about NOCA’s theme ‘Diversity and Inclusion” click here!