Activities: Theme Meetings

A good ‘Employee Experience’ during the entire employee life cycle can create value for stakeholders across the organization as it can increase retention-rates and spike motivation, which in turn feeds productivity.

Employee Experience - NOCA

‘Employee Experience’ focuses on creating the right work environment for the people in the organization. The topic covers all factors that drive employee satisfaction and engagement – from employer branding and onboarding to everyday leadership and organizational culture.

The theme is open for all but especially designed to fit HR Professionals working with engagement, leadership, employer branding and/or HR process design. In addition, this theme can also accommodate people working in the field of employee health since both physical and mental health are factors which influence employee satisfaction and engagement.

Key Questions

  • How can HR develop and implement tools to improve the Employee Experience?
  • How can HR support leaders in increasing engagement?

Key Content

  • Employee lifecycle
  • Satisfaction and motivation
  • Engagement
  • Leadership
  • Employer Branding